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Two accounts in one Oscam

Started by Franzfranz, 14 August 2016, 10:55:30

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May somebody can help me with the correct configuration:

I have one account for the moment, but I need a second one, because I'm a recording junkie and I have childrens. ;)

First, my actual configuration with 4 tuner:


logfile                       = /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.softcam.oscam/log/oscam.log
nice                          = -1
usrfile                       = /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.softcam.oscam/log/oscamuser.log
cwlogdir                      = /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.softcam.oscam/log/cw


port                          = xxxxxxx (all what I need, found in my subsciption and is working with newcamd, but I use dvbapi)
key                           = 0102030405060708091011121314
keepalive                     = 1

enabled                       = 1
pmt_mode                      = 4
boxtype                       = pc-nodmx
au                            = 0
user                          = tvheadend
read_sdt                      = 1
write_sdt_prov                = 1

port                          = 988
aulow                         = 120
monlevel                      = 1
hideclient_to                 = 15

httpport                      = 8888
httpuser                      = xxxxx
httppwd                       = xxxxx
httphelplang                  = de
httplocale                    = de_DE.utf8
httpshowmeminfo               = 1
httpshowloadinfo              = 1
httpallowed                   = IP range
aulow                         = 120
hideclient_to                 = 15


user                          = tvheadend
pwd                           = tvheadend
keepalive                     = 1
group                         = 1


label                         = "account1"
protocol                      = cccam
device                        = server,port
user                          = user
password                      = pass
inactivitytimeout             = 30
group                         = 1
blockemm-unknown              = 1
blockemm-u                    = 1
blockemm-s                    = 1
blockemm-g                    = 1
cccversion                    = 2.1.1
ccckeepalive                  = 1
audisabled                    = 1

label                         = "Test" (future second account, when is possible)
protocol                      = cccam
device                        = server,port
user                          = user
password                      = pass
inactivitytimeout             = 30
group                         = 1
blockemm-unknown              = 1
blockemm-u                    = 1
blockemm-s                    = 1
blockemm-g                    = 1
cccversion                    = 2.1.1
ccckeepalive                  = 1
audisabled                    = 1

What I need is, when I watch/record two channels with account1, it should switch for the third and fourth channel to the Test (account2) account, but now it use allways the account1, also for the third and fourth channel. This is bad, because I'm breaking the rules.

How is this possible in Oscam and how I can prevent for example with only one reader/account, that I'm using more then 2 channels, so I don't brake the rules? I have wife and childrens and when all watch tv, they need more then two channels = breaking rules.

Any help would be great, thank you.
Wetek Play, LE 7.0.2, TVHeadend 4.2.x, Cccam 2.1.1-2971 (oscam) & dvbapi, VIP All Dual Login, Astra 19.2 & Hotbird 13


by my knowledge this is not possible
you can use dual-login, but as you refer to tuner 3+4 it seems you already have dual login for your 1st account

best you can do is assigning CAIDs (PayTV packages) to specific readers. So that one part of the packages you are using is accessed by account1 and another part of packages/caids is used by reader 2. But this would not avoid breaking rules if you watch 3 or 4 channels of the same provider/caid, you have to careful yourself selecting your channels !

the really best you can do: use 2 different twin-tuner receivers to access 4 cs-channels at the same time *g*

as I see in your oscam.conf a [newcamd] section (including a personal hint):
this has nothing to do with your connection to the server and is only creating a local newcamd-server within your Ocam installation on your receiver. It will work the same way if you simply disable this newcamd-section (remove it)
AX-HD51 STB using NeutrinoHD and Oscam with VIP-Astra. Dual login on server_81 via Cable-ISP


Thx for the answer. After hours of googleing I found the solution, sometimes is simple.

I add following lines to the oscam.server (add to both reader configs)

ratelimitecm                  = 2
ratelimittime                 = 10000
srvidholdtime                 = 5000

I run some test, watching two channels from first reader with valid subscription, select a third one = no descrambling of third channel, no breaking rules, no violation, no requests rejected.
Second test, again watching two channels from first reader, select the third channel from free test reader = working with second reader.

As I can see in Oscam log, with two different valid subscription for two reader, theres no error. Think this can be the solution for all Quad tuner user here, record or watch 4 different channels without breaking the rules.

btw. I use two twin tuner (Wetek Play) connected via SAT>IP, they act as one quad tuner. So with this solution, more then 4 channels are not decoded and no danger breaking the rules here. This prevent other user with dual or single login also for breaking rules, with single login just change the line
ratelimitecm                  = 2


ratelimitecm                  = 1
Wetek Play, LE 7.0.2, TVHeadend 4.2.x, Cccam 2.1.1-2971 (oscam) & dvbapi, VIP All Dual Login, Astra 19.2 & Hotbird 13


If the ratelimitecm is set in both reader in oscam.server, decoding with the second reader is not working, I get this error message:
rejected group (0 ms) - National Geographic (no matching reader)

I tried this before with the testaccount without set ratelimitecm in second reader. So for now I set reader one to group = 1, reader two to group=2 and add in oscam.user group=1,2. Same problem. I remove the line ratelimitecm = 2 in second reader and all 4 channels are descrambling, but second account is not protected.

Where's the error? Any hint?

Wetek Play, LE 7.0.2, TVHeadend 4.2.x, Cccam 2.1.1-2971 (oscam) & dvbapi, VIP All Dual Login, Astra 19.2 & Hotbird 13


I have enabled Loadbalancing, set reader one for example to

lb_weight                     = 130

second reader to

lb_weight                     = 200

and it works!  ;D

Now my config, OScam with cccam (2.1.1-2971):


logfile                       = /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.softcam.oscam/log/oscam.log
nice                          = -1
usrfile                       = /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.softcam.oscam/log/oscamuser.log
cwlogdir                      = /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.softcam.oscam/log/cw
lb_mode                       = 1

enabled                       = 1
pmt_mode                      = 4
user                          = tvheadend2
read_sdt                      = 1
write_sdt_prov                = 1
boxtype                       = pc-nodmx

port                          = 988
aulow                         = 120
monlevel                      = 1
hideclient_to                 = 15

httpport                      = 8888
httpuser                      = xxxx
httppwd                       = xxxx
httphelplang                  = de
httplocale                    = de_DE.utf8
httpshowmeminfo               = 1
httpshowloadinfo              = 1
httpallowed                   = IP Range
aulow                         = 120
hideclient_to                 = 15


user                          = tvheadend2
pwd                           = tvheadend2
group                         = 1,2


label                         = "Server1"
protocol                      = cccam
device                        = server,port
user                          = user
password                      = pass
inactivitytimeout             = 30
group                         = 1
blockemm-unknown              = 1
blockemm-u                    = 1
blockemm-s                    = 1
blockemm-g                    = 1
cccversion                    = 2.1.1
ccckeepalive                  = 1
audisabled                    = 1
ratelimitecm                  = 2
ratelimittime                 = 10000
srvidholdtime                 = 5000
lb_weight                     = 130

label                         = "Server2"
protocol                      = cccam
device                        = server,port
user                          = user
password                      = pass
inactivitytimeout             = 30
group                         = 2
blockemm-unknown              = 1
blockemm-u                    = 1
blockemm-s                    = 1
blockemm-g                    = 1
cccversion                    = 2.1.1
ccckeepalive                  = 1
audisabled                    = 1
ratelimitecm                  = 2
ratelimittime                 = 10000
srvidholdtime                 = 5000
lb_weight                     = 200

Maybe this will help other users.
Wetek Play, LE 7.0.2, TVHeadend 4.2.x, Cccam 2.1.1-2971 (oscam) & dvbapi, VIP All Dual Login, Astra 19.2 & Hotbird 13